Looking At How Presidential Campaign Was Run..
Being a president is all about being an Effective Executive Leader, that understand the strengths and limitations of its own union and work towards the goals of the union effectively and successfully. Look at how Political campaigns have been run so far by each leader to get a glimpse of what kind of leader they could become, if they won. OBAMA, The Only Choice Looking at how the Presidential Campaigns have been run so far, Obama is the only candidate that demonstrated clear and inspiring leadership skills all the while. All other campaigns have failed to even manage their finances, directed the strategies as reactions and used fire fighting skills and 'do any thing to get those votes' kind of low strategies. The vision, planning, organization and execution of Obama's whole game plan was so disciplined and bound by the same principles as indicated on day 1. No other political campaign has really stuck to anything at all. He talked straight. He reminded individual respo...