
Showing posts from February, 2009

Wipro Campus recruitment

I heard this morning that Wipro is cutting salaries any where between 30-40% across the board to adjust itself to global recession.  I also heard from friends in Wipro, the company is also laying off. And this news came as a total surprise that Wipro is continuing to recruit at College campuses. Not sure, how the offers are being given, Wipro is known to postpone joining dates until 'conditions' improve. Wipro will hold an exclusive campus drive for B.Sc. final year students at Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Chowdhary College in Guntur on Sunday. For details, contact Y. Suresh Babu on phone No. ... Source: Campus recruitment

Shifting Away From Tables To Entity Models

RDBMS relational data management systems, simply put, most Database systems allow us to create data models of businesses in terms of rows and columns in a table. Tables can be 'related' to indicate dependencies of data between tables. RDBMS was on the best things that ever happened to software abstractions. Every business domain has been modeled to be a set of tables and relations between them. However, recently another paradigm is taking shape (at least, I only noticed it in the last year), called as Domain Driven Development, DDD for short, that emphasizes the importance of modeling a business in the domain of the business itself rather than dictated by abstractions tied to tables. DDD clout calls them "Entities" (not Tables).  In certain ways, I read this shift from RDBMS to Entity model as "shift from horizontal (table) abstractions to hierarchical (entity) abstractions". While Entity models may provide a better modeling, in a well designed database mo

Google AppEngine : Lazy Data Migration with Versions

If you have already used Google AppEngine to develop an application, you would have already scratched your head around data migration. And Google App Engine is not that great when it comes to Agile style iterations of web development. In its own way, it forces you to design models up front instead of making life easier evolving over time. I have been developing a community application, 'Yes to Politics' for friends in Andhra Pradesh, India to interact with politics in some strangely different way. More about this app later, let me share about data migration. I have around 28000 entities in a model and trust me, I tried to cover all my needs in the design of the model up front.  Well, software development doesn't work that way. I realized I needed another property in the model and I needed to give some default value too. When you add a new property to an existing model, Google App engine doesn't fill the default value for the existing set of entities. So when you acc

Wordpress Automatic Upgrade : WoW!

Upgrading Wordpress installation is now just a breeze. Just one click away. I logged in this morning to the dashboard and it alerted me that a new version is available and gave a nice sweet button to automatically upgrade. It just took 5 seconds. No downloads, absolutely. I love it. I use a shared hosting service, and normally it takes a week before they make a new version of the software available so that I can use their one-click upgrade. Now no more waiting. Just click a button. It is easier than anything else you do on Internet. How cool! Thank you Wordpress team.

Political Perspectives : Interview with Arvind

Nothing is black and white in Politics. Especially, Indian politics. So do our perceptions about Politics. We don't hate politics. We don't like it either. Then what does Politics really mean to each of us? [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="159" caption="Yes To Politics"] [/caption]I set out to find myself an answer on what it really mean and how it would impact. And I would like to know what do you all think about it. And understand your take on Politics. I would like to call this series of exploration, "Political Perspectives". And I am happy to share the first of its kind, an interview on Politics. I asked one of my friends, Arvind, a few questions to begin this series. Thank you Arvind for volunteering and sharing your perspective on Politics and thanks a ton for allowing me to share your views to the 'Yes to Politics' community. Read the transcript of the interview here.

Bidding adieu to 37 signals' tadalist for google tasks

With google gmail tasks now available on iPhone, it's time to bid adieu to 37signals' tadalist. Gmail tasks app is little better than tadalist. But the real reason for the switch is tadalist is a silo app, where as tasks is integrated into gmail and so you can access it with single sign on along with whole bunch of other apps I am already using. With this, I have replaced yet another silo app in preference to an app from google family.