It happened in India - Kishore Biyani

Its quite unusual to see a book like this in India.  In US, if some one is successful in one venture, then their second venture is to sell that (so called) success formula. He/she spends the rest of their lives in selling that success through books, seminars, merchandise.. any thing that can be sold. I don't believe that  if you read those and probably follow them you will succeed. But it is good to see what their success made them to believe in.

It is quite unusual to see similar books in India. Don't know why, I don't find (m)any books where Entrepreneurs and successful Indians wanted to share their stories. There are so many untold stories and unsung heroes. One of my friends, who share a similar mysterious belief, sent me a link to this book to prove the point that times are changing. It also has its own website to promote (


The book is sold online through But, the website shipping options only allow me to choose an address in India. Wondering how to get a copy of it to US. Searched in but couldn't find it. Sent an email to a contact address on the website and waiting for the reply.

Update: Received a reply from Sankarson Banerjee, CEO of If you are interested in getting a copy of the book and you are currently in US, then hurry up. The book will be shipped to your door for Free. He has offered to send a free copy to the first 10 people that request the book from US. Read his comment for more details.


I'm the CEO of FutureBazaar, and I'm glad you're interested in the book. We don't ship overseas, but I'll send a free copy to the first ten people who contact me from USA with their shipping details.
You can contact me on 10 copies only!!
Ivy Prakash said…
I think Mr. Kishore Biyani is worst in retail. He considor himself the most promising customer service provider. But he is worst. I had purchased a wall unit from Home Town, Noida on 2nd Feb and I was told that it will get assembled within a week but till today my assembled is in half way. Taking money in advance and not providing the proper service is just cheating. Mr. Kishore Biyani is a CHEATER
Nikunj Verma said…
I had a very similar experience. We bought a unit from Home Town which got delivered on1st March 08. After teh delivery, we realised that the unit is defective. With no options we are following up with the customer service and we are completely lost on what do we do with this situation. Today- thats 13th March, and still we have not recieved any response. This is pathetic when you pay lacs of Rs and end up with this frustuation.
Sandeep Mittal said…
I also had a very bad experience with Home town noida. I had purchased a table which I found to be defective when it was delivered. I called up the only number I could find on the receipt to lodge a complaint. I was given a complaint ticket number and was told that my complaint would be forwarded to the department. It has been more than two weeks now. I have not heard back from them.

Their call center trying to masquerade as customer service is a bloody joke. I called back to inquire on the status of my complaint. I got a recording...

"Welcome to Home town noida. Home town noida is open from 9.30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Call center is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thank you.

I had called in the regular hours. I did not know if to laugh or cry.

Seems like Mr. Biyani has hit upon an excellent business model. Sell defective stuff at top prices and then forget about it.

His autobiography should be called "IT CAN ONLY HAPPEN IN INDIA."
Vikram Shah said…
I purchased one 512mb pendrive from

First of all their lousy payment gateway did not responded payment got deducted from my account. After spending money on STD call to their mumbai call center, I got confirmation mail of order placed & payment received.

WOW...but thats not all. It is now 8 day since that mail, that order status is still In Progress (do not know what is there to process so much). Yet not got the item delievered.

Beware..I made a trial shopping of only Rs.99/- & facing so much trouble. Already spent 45/- on STD to call up their call center. So be very carefull while doing transaction on
Savita Malhotra said…
I bought Vegetables and fruits from Food Bazaar of Gurgaon Central Mall on 8th may 2008 at 15.43 pm and paid Rs 732. I bought 2 Kharboolas and was chargde for 4 kiwis which i never bought and was billed for 4 kiwi fruits(Rs 144)
My cash memo no is 151/3013. Cashier was SS Singh.I paid the amount in Cash
Veena said…

My name is Veena Nair. I am an employee of Genpact. Wanted to let you know that I bought a mobile phone from Big Bazaar on 28th January 2008 which was Fly SX 210 for which I paid Rs.6000 in cash & Rs. 2000 on my dad's credit card.

We used it for 6 months , were told by the person in Big Bazaar that should have the bill for servicing the product .However when it has to serviced took it to service centre they said this not the bill for the particular model.

When we approached the Biz Bazaar they never helped as well they were very rude they provided me with the bill for Fly SX 100 which was not a fair job.

I personally visited Big Bazaar they misbehaved .So would request your personal eye on it .

I bought it from Big Bazaar Gurgaon , Sahara Mall following is the old & new bill information of OLD BILL FOR FLY SX 100 i.e 205000002128199 DATED FOR 28 TH JANUARY 2008

Murali said…
Hello All,

Looks like there are lots of people who purchased something at BigBazaar and not so happy about it. If you just want to share your experiences to air your concerns of customer service and product quality at bigbazaar, you are welcome to do so. I would like to mention that I will be of little help in the matter of resolving it.

I love the fact that Kishore Biyani wrote book to share his experiences and perspectives, which is a kind of first in Indian diaspora to take this route. I was very impressed with that fact as well as I love the book. They may have some work to do in terms of customer satisfaction, but that doesn't discount the impressive fact of writing such a book, as my original post mentioned.

Appreciate your inputs on the blog post. I hope bigBazaar guys will get to read those concerns and help you resolve.

Farhan vasaya said…
i hav rad this book n it was good experience reding this book i would like to congretulate to MR.Kishore Biyani for writing this book.......
anil said…
hey guys! you know the Mr Biyani's big bazaar at many places has become fraud like govt organisations or more than that. Here top level staff collecting bribes for some business activities like from vendors who are doing business by paying commission or rent within the premises or inside the store. These vendors have to pay bribe along with usual comission every month. subsequently vendors, to recover that loss they put it on customers by detoriating the stuff or incresing the price. ''IS SE SASTA AUR ACHCHA KAHIN NAHIN'' ye baat aur kahan hoga
Wajahat Hassan said…
I had a horrible experience in purchasing a dining table recently from Big Bazaar. They just dumped the packed thing in my house and someone was supposed to come and assemble it within a day or 2. It has been a week and noone has responded. In spite of several calls and emails, noone is bothered to provide something called as "Customer service" to the customers. I doubt with the kind of competetion in Retail in the market today, how long these guys will survive?
Anantha Murthy said…

BILL NO :2623

My Name is Anantha Murthy purchased SOFASET on March 8th and the furniture department promised that they will deliver with 21 days but till there is no response from them.

When called the officials from the team is not responding properly and each one are giving there own version and is called as Deficiency in service .

It is one of the worst experience we had that too after paying the full Amount of Rs 18000


THIS IS VERY PATHETIC AND FRUSTRATING. Hope some will read this and respond to the same
parveen goel said…
Dear Sir
I am one of your customer from last more than two years and I am making all my purchases from your Ahmedabad ,Kankaria 10 Acers mall branch my average purchase of per month is Aprox rs 5-6 thousand per month from your store and never I had any problem with you store but yesterday what happens with me is not only shameful for you its for me also. yesterday night I make a routine purchase of some necessary items in which one item is “Gillette presto razor” I saw a board at your rack that buy two razors and get one free and at the same place Gillette razor are hanging .I took 3 and many other items with that after complete billing, I come outside the store and when I checked my invoice I found that your store persons charged for all 3 razors instead of giving me one free of cost. I get inside and complaint against that to same person who make the bill now the problem begins, he checked in his computer first than ask me to collect the refund from customer care desk I said it is your duty to check all schemes first than make the invoice and if you done it by mistake than it is your duty to arrange refund its not mine
after making lot of arguments, he go to customers care desk and said it is not possible to refund if you need you can take one more razor I shocked instead of feeling sorry that guy insisting me to cover up his mistake. I than contacted Mr. Priyank who is at the desk of customer care he is so rude. he have no adicates to talk to customer he told me that this scheme is not applied to this razor, I shocked again that what it mean than why you hanged a board over there if it is not applicable. He started shouting in front of 100s of customers when I refused to take razors and ask for refund he ask a guy to collect all 3 razors from my purchased items. Now the shameless thing is that my wife is outside the store your staff treating us as a thief and opened all three bags in search of just 3 razors because all three razors are packed in three different bags by your efficient staff. all customers are looking to us, your security guard and two more staff are doing here and there to all my purchased item I feel so guilty at that time I have to wait aprox 45 minutes to take just a refund of 48 rs which is charged by your staff because of his own mistake 100s of people are seeing us as a thief and that customer care officer mr. priyank is hopeless guy instead of doing anything he started shouting on me in front of many of customers present in the store at that time
This was my last and final visit to your store I hope that you can understand my problem if you are on my place I ask you a question that what would you like to do
one more thing I wants to know that they use a rubber stamp on invoice that free gift issued what is that I don’t received any gift from your store

One of your unfortunate customers

parveen goel
[...] thought about, leave alone preaching something. I was thrilled to see Kishore Biyani unveiling ‘It Happened in India’ a couple of years ago.  And I recently came to know about Nandan Nilekani touring in USA [...]
Ashish Jain said…
I purchased a samsung washing machine on 11/10/09 from Home town Panjagutta, Hyderabad.
It was delivered to me on 12/10/09 around 8 pm.

Now today when the person supposed to install the machine came over, he told us that the machine is faulty.

I am at loss to understand that why a faulty machine was delivered ?

When I talk to ppl at hometown from where I bought this no satisfactory answer is provided.

Will somebody take some action and get me an exchange with a satisfactorily working machine.

Thanks and Regards
Ashish Jain
Hyderabad : 9347080853
Sachin Agarwal said…

big bazar is indulging in fraudulent activity on a very large scale. they are promising the heaven to gullible people and actually committing frauds on people. They are collecting the old goods, scraps and other items from people all over the place. they even send their well educated (MBA) executives to peoples home alongwith vehicle and a team to take away your goods with a lure to offer great discounts on what you buy from their store. when they have taken away your goods they will issue coupons to be utilized for availing discounts on purchases from them. they are actually robbing the people by collecting their goods from the gullible buyers.

later on when ones goes to buy goods from stores then they are refused on some or the other flimsy ground. no such flimsy conditions are imposed when the goods / scrap got collected from your place. you can find a large number of people asking for the goods of their choice but they are refused constantly by the big bazaar people.

its a fraud well planned and akin to the ponzi schemes prevalent in some way or the other. Lets unite to fight this mal-practice of this so called big ground. prima facia is a case of fraud, cheating and robbing by big bazar.

why have they taken away my goods when they could not sell the desired goods to me. i call upon the concerned people to take up issue to prevent this company from causing further damage and fraud upon people.

ph. 94152 55042
kamal Sharma said…
Dear All, reason for my being here was different ( expect a mail reply from Big Bazar to discuss) but having gone thru ur statements, here are few of my comments - 1. In most of the cases customer is himself responsible. He is not checking his purchases, his bills and other details before leaving. 2. I had also visited Big Bazar with my issues but they were met with solution. Its only that we must meet the right person with all reqd supports. 3. Yes, for faulty deliveries and major faults HOPE BIG BAZAR IS MEETING THEM and if not - go to consumer forum and make ur complaint. This will also bring to the notice of BIG BAZAR REAL MANAGEMENT OF ISSUES AND SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT........NOTE THAT IT TAKE A LOT TO BE BIG SUCESS...PLAY UR ISSUES URSELF AND BE SUCESS RATHER THAN JUST PUTTING A BLOG / COMPLAINT.....KEEP MOVING AHEAD AND MAKE OTHER TO MOVE AHEAD TOO...TAKECARE.

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