Pictures from DemocampDallas

I thought of blogging about the conference immediately after the conference that night, but a series of 'fortunate' and pleasant events took place that night left me with no time to blog all along.

This was my first conference of any kind that involves energetic entrepreneurs showcasing their creations and networking with fellow entrepreneurs. It was totally very thrilling to be just there watching them.  Thanks a ton DemoCamp Dallas.

Here are few glimpses at DemocampDallas One  by giovanni gallucci of the application that I presented, the prototype was working with very minimal features and has very lean, I must admit it was less than skeletal interface and has no logo or name on it.  

Looking at the presentation on the screen..

Top of the application interface, showing my sandbox url as well..

Showing clips of a selected media file..

Full snapshot of the application screen..

First version of MP3 media player I built ..

Source : DemocampDallas One  by giovanni gallucci.  

Will have a new website created with more details about the application and when you can start playing with the application very soon. Thanks in advance for staying tuned.


[...] Here is a snapshot of the MP3 Active Player from the democamp. You can see more pictures here. [...]

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