China, The Largest Living Success Story of Communism

By all measures, the rise of China as one of the leading global economic power houses of the world is a great success story.  And by all estimates, China will become the largest economy sooner than the rest of the world is comfortable accepting it. So, isn’t China, then officially the largest living success stories of communism?

Watch this great TED talk by Eric Li, a venture capitalist, I bet,  your understanding of China will never be the same. And so does your understanding of efficacy of democracy.

Eric X. Li : A tale of two political systems

I can’t resist the temptation of comparing the largest living democracy, India,  with tens of parties at the helm and the largest living communist country, China, and for all practical purposes a dual party system in the US and its current political gridlock, only to realize that the point Eric Li made is quite reverberating.

Unfortunately, while China can easily replicate the best of the rest of the world in terms of  technology, systems and innovation, it is probably next to impossible to replicate the best of China’s political system.  What an edge.

One of the best talks and an idea really worth spreading.


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