Tracking Andhra Politics : Think Local. Act Local.

“Think Global and Act Local” is a well known business line, that underline the importance of acting local in order to stretch a business to global levels. Going global has been a dream for many businesses. So it fits in well.

You know lot about State, National and World Politics. But do you know what are the key issues in your City?

Most probably, answer to that question would be, ‘not quite’. When it comes to democracy, we must always think Local and act local. Too often, Politicians blow issues out of proportions and make simple differences large election issues, and many a times, they become deciding factors in elections.  So contrary to principles of Democracy and Swaraj, quite often Politicians set the agenda for you. They define what are your issues. They convince you that you must act on them. Act on them alone. Because, they don’t know what your real issues are.

If you care for Swaraj, you Must act local.

No media (News Papers or TV) or most blogs want to focus on local issues. As they will limit their reach. The new web community at Yes To Politics let you build and organize your community at a level that make sense to you.  It will let you create a community at City, Constituency, District or around a party. If you really not into politics at all, why not fight for a cause that you really believe in. You can create an action group as well.

Build an active local community. To realize the fruit of democracy, we must think local and act local. Build your own community around your own City, Constituency,District, a Political party or fight for a Cause.

Start a local community today and you decide what matters to your community. Track what matters rather than consuming every thing that is thrown at you.


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